Irelands largest selection of quality used cars from our trusted car dealers.
We've helped over 120,000 Irish consumers and SME's fund their next car. Search through some of our verified partner stock to get started.
Quality Approved Cars Available for Finance!
Navigating Our Customer Journey Portal
Our customer portal has been designed to allow you to continue with your car buying journey from wherever you are. Check our 2 minute explainer video to find out how it works.
About Finance Ireland Motor & Leasing
Finance Ireland Motor & Leasing was established as a dealer focussed motor finance provider in 2010 and commenced writing new business in February 2011.
We rapidly became a credible alternative to the banks and captive automotive finance providers with a growing market share and a flexible and innovative service offering. Our network throughout Ireland includes over 800 franchise and independent dealers and we have firmly established ourself as Irelands largest independent finance company.
The Management team at Finance Ireland Motor & Leasing has many years experience and extensive knowledge of the motor finance industry.
Finance Ireland Motor & Leasing has, to date, helped in excess of 110,000 Irish consumers and thousands of Irish businesses fund the purchase of their new and used cars and LCVs, providing more than €1bn of finance in the process.